MI Take

What I Learned Selling 40,000 People Coaching | EP 134

Episode Summary

On this episode of the podcast I share the things I've learned selling coaching to over 40,000 people in my career.

Episode Notes

Over the last 8 years of my career the companies I have owned have sold over 40,000 people coaching and these are the hard earned lessons from those 8 years 

0:00 - Intro 

1:37 - People Want Solution 

2:46 - You Have to Ask for the Sale 

4:05 - Deliver Your Service, No One Else's 

5:20 - Talk With People, Not At People 

6:25 - Community and Proof Matter... A LOT 

8:17 - You Have To Be Patient 

10:16 - Focus on Compounding Sales 

11:15 - Discounts Don't Matter 

12:16 - People Don't Trust You 

13:35 - You Are Selling Hope, You Better Deliver