MI Take

Infinite Protein Games EP 137

Episode Summary

In our season 4 premier of the podcast we talk about what happens when you consume 100 grams of protein in one meal, infinite games, the false hope of stability, and why you shouldn't waste a second of your life.

Episode Notes

Introduction: Hey Everyone, I am Brad Dieter, the COO of Macros Inc, a nutrition and fitness coaching company and this is MI Take, a podcast that discusses current events in nutrition, the business side of the health and fitness industry, and a little of everything in between. Let’s dive into it. 

Nutrition Insights: Protein in a Single Meal. 

The anabolic response to protein ingestion during recovery from exercise has no upper limit in magnitude and duration in vivo in humans

Business Insights: Finite vs Infinite Games

What I am learning Today: Stability is a False Hope

Daily Win: Got season 4 spun up again

Daily Learning Lesson: Time goes much faster than you expect, don’t waste any of it.