MI Take

Forking Excellent EP 139

Episode Summary

On this episode of the podcast we discuss set point theory, the Kroger of nutrition coaching, the show The Bear, and why unmade decisions are a debt you can't afford to carry.

Episode Notes

Introduction: Hey Everyone, I am Brad Dieter, the COO of Macros Inc, a nutrition and fitness coaching company and this is MI Take, a podcast that discusses current events in nutrition, the business side of the health and fitness industry, and a little of everything in between. Let’s dive into it. 

Nutrition Insights: The body is a master compensator: set point theory
Changes in Energy Expenditure

SGLT-2 Trial

Business Insights: The Kroger of Nutrition Coaching

What I am learning Today: Forks from The Bear - treat everyday like its the superbowl… showing someone how good excellence feels can change their life

Daily Win: Setting stronger boundaries

Daily Learning Lesson: Unmade decisions are a debt you can’t afford to carry