MI Take

35 Lessons That Changed My Life | EP 136

Episode Summary

On this episode of the podcast I share 35 lessons that I've learned over my life that have changed the way I live.

Episode Notes

  1. Time goes fast. In a few years you’ll be where you will be… do you want that time to have been spent moving your forward or wasted?
  2. You are 100% responsible for your decisions. Decide what outcome you want to put the odds in favor of and make that decision.
  3. Bet on yourself above all else. You have control over nothing but yourself.
  4. Chose your relationships in life wisely. They are either assets or liabilities. They are never neutral.
  5. Things don’t matter… meaning the things you buy. Material stuff really doesn’t improve your life. Invest in skills, people, time, experience.
  6. Skills, knowledge, and mindset are the things in this world that can never be taken from you. Invest heavily in time and money in those things.
  7. Your reputation takes a lifetime to build and a minute to ruin. Be careful in your decisions.
  8. Aging is inevitable. The rate of aging can be controlled. And it’s only a one way street. Take care of yourself because going backwards in time is impossible.
  9. No one can decide what is important for you but you.
  10. Complaining feels good in the moment, but it never solves the problem or moves your life forward. Don’t waste time on it.
  11. Don’t let anyone tell you something isn’t possible. Especially if they haven’t tried. Find out for yourself. At least you learned everything along the way until you hit the wall.
  12. If you don’t show up for yourself, you can’t show up for others as your best self. It’s not selfish to put your needs high on the list, it’s selfish to be the less than the best version of yourself.
  13. Compound interest should never ever ever be ignored. Time is the biggest thing here. Start early. Compound interest isn’t just stock market… it’s all things in your life.
  14. Quit. Seriously. If something you are doing doesn’t align with your long term goal, don’t do it. Get on the long term path as fast as possible.
  15. Think slow, act fast.
  16. Be very careful with your words. Once things are said, they cannot be unsaid. Make sure you say what you mean and you mean what you say.
  17. Money isn’t good or bad. It’s a tool.
  18. Life is about who you become along the way. Your personhood is shaped by the trials you endure. Decide what trials are meaningful.
  19. Give way more than you take.
  20. Once trust is broken it can never be fully repaired. Remember that when you make decisions.
  21. People aren’t disposable. They are people. They carry you with them the rest of their lives.
  22. Never be afraid to be quiet. You learn more from listening than speaking.
  23. Pay yourself first. Take from yourself last.
  24. Forgiveness is for you, not them.
  25. Think bigger than you think is reasonable. Life isn’t about being small.
  26. Be kind and gentle, but not weak.
  27. You can have anything you want, but not everything. Decide what you want and go deep on that.
  28. Create more than you consume.
  29. Reading and conversation and your two biggest super powers for improving your life.
  30. Knowledge without action is wasted.
  31. Understand leverage, don’t abuse it.
  32. Being polite requires zero skill.
  33. The harder you work and the more chances you take the greater your odds are of a lucky break.
  34. If it costs you mental peace, don’t buy it or do it.
  35. Patience is the most underrated skill you can develop… but don’t conflate patience with complacency.